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A Website That's Bigger, Stronger & Faster

Date Published
Jun 25, 2024
Rachel Caputo

Homebase Is Where The Heart Is

Welcome to the new and improved CSSC website! Look, the old website treated us well for a solid 5 years. If I were to make a sports analogy about our last website, that site roster finished high in the standings for a bunch of years, but we never sealed the deal with a championship. We have high expectations for the performance of our website and in 2023, we made the decision to start re-tooling the make-up of our site roster. I’m happy to report that the rebuild is complete and we think this website has what it takes to make several title runs for many years to come.


Let’s dive into some the components of the new website that makes it championship worthy. We developed the site with the player experience top of mind, placing a high priority on making relevant information a heck of a lot more accessible.  

First, it’s time to say ‘so long’ to your MyCSSC account 👋 Now allow us to introduce you to the much more resourceful ‘Homebase’ account, which is the name of our brand-new player portal. Before I get into what you can do within Homebase, the first step in utilizing the new website will be to create your Homebase account using the email address that was associated with your MyCSSC account. This will transfer previous registration information and existing credits within MyCSSC to your Homebase account automatically.

 The purpose of your Homebase account is to give you access to everything you need as an CSSC player. We’re willing to admit that the old website was diluted with loads of information that made it difficult to find what you were looking for. With the resources that now encompass Homebase, as a current player you can stay within the comfort of your own home[base] for close to everything you need. What kind of plays have we drawn up for Homebase, you ask? Let’s kick things off with the Dashboard.

Homebase Dashboard

Wouldn’t it be nice to have all the information you need for your specific leagues all in one accessible place? Well, that dream is now a reality through Homebase. All the leagues that you’re signed up for within the active season will be front and center, and by clicking ‘View Information’ for any of your leagues, the key pieces of league info will be readily available to you. We’re talkin’ about:

  • Schedules

  • Standings

  • Sub requests

  • Roster Management

  • Team Name Editing

  • League Info (rules, equipment, policies, etc.)

  • A Contact the Club Form


Every time my wife and I needed to find the time/location of our CSSC games, she would always ask “why can I never find the link to the schedule?!” Fact of the matter is, she wasn’t the only one who felt that way. We’ve had 25,000+ page views of the Slo-Pitch schedules page alone since the start of Spring and the need to improve the accessibility of our schedules was a crucial piece in the development of the new website.

There are now two ways to view your schedule:


This is far and away the best way to access your schedule! All you have to do is visit your Homebase, click on your league, click ‘Schedule’ and voila, a specialized schedule just for you!

CSSC Website

With ‘Schedules & Standings’ being our most visited pages, there is now a link available on all pages of the website including the home page! Once you land on the Schedules page, you simply need to click on the appropriate filters and you’ll be able to select your league from a list of those within the same sport and night of the week.

Sub Requests

We’ve always been proud of our sub program and its ability to not only assist teams in helping them find players when they are in need, but also giving individuals free opportunities to play sports on close to any night of the week. It’s a program that has helped a lot of teams over the last several years, but just like any recreational sports player, there’s always room for improvement.

The newest feature? If a team requested a sub and found someone to fill in for the game on our previous website, the remaining subs that were contacted had no way of knowing that their services were no longer required. We’ve now introduced a new tool where teams can ‘close’ their sub request after they confirm someone to attend their game. Contacted subs will have a lot more clarity if the opportunity to fill in is still available or not, and the teams that request subs won’t have to continue following up with players after they’ve already locked in a sub to play in their game. Talk about a win-win if you ask us!

Roster Management

I think it goes without saying that every Team Captain has been annoyed with the fact that they have to manually add their entire roster on a season-to-season basis. Guilty as charged 🙋‍♂️ Well, all of the Team Captains reading this can collectively start first pumping as if you just scored the winning goal down the stretch, because you will not have to manually type in the names and emails for your players anymore. You will now have the ability to easily add previous teammates to your roster!


Finding information relating to your leagues should be easy! Homebase once again is going to be the place to find necessary information about your leagues without searching through the depths of our website. Keeping it simple is often the best way to win your CSSC games and if we want our new website to be a winner, it was important that all specific policies relating to your leagues/sports were grouped together in a more accessible place within your Homebase. By clicking on Policies in the left menu, you will find everything you need regarding the leagues you’ve actively participating in!

What is the main takeaway from this blog? Home[base] is where the heart is – we highly encourage our players to utilize the Homebase! We assure you that everything you need will be much easier to find with less time and clicks required. Not only that, but there are other fun elements of the new website including Blogs (what you’re reading now), where you can stay in tune with all the latest and greatest happenings at the Club.

Solid team chemistry is what wins championships, and we can’t wait to see you start making plays and building chemistry with our new website to make your experience much muuuuuuuch smoother. Toss a Homebase bookmark on our browser and let’s get after it!