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Games are ON for the October 7th! Good Luck!
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Don't Pee Your Pants - Our Porta Potty Stance

Date Published
Jun 12, 2024

We get it, you’re at your game and urine it to win it but then nature calls. You’re a whiz when it comes to sports but don’t always plan ahead. Well in our CSSC leagues, you bladder plan ahead as that would be golden! Okay, these puns are getting ex-stream.

Fact of the matter is, we play sports, we drink water, we gotta pee...we get it. It's a consistent piece of feedback from our players and as much as we would love to put porta-potties at every single diamond or field that we use, it's simply not realistic. It costs thousands of dollars to rent and maintain porta-potties every month and in order to make it viable we would have to pass on that expense to our players. As Randy Jackson would say, "that's gonna be a no from [us], dawg."


In saying all that, we love finding solutions to your bladder's problems over here at the CSSC World Headquarters. Although we can't place porta-potties at every single field, we have committed to providing them at our most utilized fields during the Spring/Summer months, so next time you have an emergency situation, never fear...the CSSC is here. Here's the list of the fields we've dropped porta-potties for the Outdoor season:

  • Citadel Drive

  • Cougarstone Park

  • Deerfoot Athletic Park

  • Don Bosco School

  • Evergreen School

  • George Moss 24

  • Hidden Creek Way

  • Oakhill Park

  • Riverstone Crescent

  • Scenic Acres Park

  • Somerset Dr.

  • St. Bede School

  • St. Jude

  • West Springs Dry Pond

  • Woodborough Park

Next time you use one of the Porta-Potties out at these fields, we hope you rank the CSSC as your #1 and #2 favourite Sports Club in town 😉